Monday, January 28, 2013

Facts about Greek Yogurt

In the recent times Greek Yogurt has come about to be an extremely popular snack competing with the regular Yogurt brands. And you can see why, it has a smooth thick texture similar to sour cream with out the calories and it is high in protein content. But again not all Greek Yogurts are made the same.

So before you reach out for the Greek yogurt in the grocery aisle and put in your cart make sure you read the content on it. If it has any mentions of Milk protein concentrate or thickners avoid it. It is the cheap stuff which is made to look like Greek Yogurt.

This link provide good information about the issues with Greek Yogurt production and how some companies are straying away from the intended production processes.

This link provides a interesting read about the issues while producing Greek Yogurt :

Hope you find this informative!

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