Saturday, February 16, 2013

Cottage Cheese and Green Peas Curry

Today's recipe comes from a poster who wishes to remain Anonymous.

Ingredients :

  • One pound of Cottage Cheese ('Paneer' from Indian stores preferably because the grocery stores ones are too soft for this recipe)
  • One Large Onion or two smaller ones
  • Half Cup of Cashews
  • One Cup of Green Peas 
  • Half Teaspoon of Turmeric and Chili Powder
  • One Teaspoon of Ginger and Garlic paste (Or few cloves of hand chopped garlic and ginger)
Defrost the cottage cheese for a couple of hours if it was kept in the freezer. Slice the cottage cheese into small pieces and keep it soaked in salt water until it is ready to be cooked.
Chop up the onion into small pieces. Stir fry the onion with a little oil until it starts to turn brown. Add the cashews to the onion while it is being cooked. After the onion and cashews turn brown a bit , add this to a mixer. Blend it until the mixture turns into a fine paste. 
In a cooking pan heat up some cooking oil and add in the ginger/garlic paste,turmeric and chili powder. After cooking it for 2 minutes add in the green peas and cook until the peas soften a little.Add the onion/cashew paste from the mixer along with the cottage cheese. Cook for 10-15 minutes on medium heat. Add salt to taste. Serve with rice or indian bread and enjoy 3 servings for Dinner.

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